RISE is a network of organizations that are empowering women in entrepreneurship and women in STEM in Windsor-Essex County, Ontario Canada. Founded by the WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation, through partnerships with the WindsorEssex Small Business Centre, the University of Windsor’s EPICentre, Workforce WindsorEssex, WEtech Alliance, Build-A-Dream and Windsor Essex Capital Angel Network (WECAN).

What’s STEM?
STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
The purpose of RISE is to create a suite of services available to women in the Windsor-Essex region. Amalgamating and supporting resources with the goal of increasing the number of women in these fields. Look for the RISE emblem throughout the region. Know that organizations that use it in their marketing have taken part in our Diversity and Inclusion training. They have also committed to helping empower women entrepreneurs and women working in STEM in Windsor Essex.

Rising Together
RISE and Resilience is a virtual event happening on Feb. 11 to celebrate women entrepreneurs and women in STEM in Windsor-Essex. Topics such as work/life balance, the importance of resources, diversity and inclusion, resiliency and business pivots. This summit will allow you to learn from the successes of other women in our area and help you on your entrepreneurial or career journeys.
On February 11th, Rise Windsor Essex will be hosting RISE and Resilience. A virtual summit created by women entrepreneurs in YQG, for women entrepreneurs in YQG.
The event is free to join! It features 15 local women who discuss topics around Work-Life Balance, The Dreaded “P” Word (Pivot), Diversity and Inclusion, and Making Your Money Work. The morning will kick-off with a yoga and mindfulness session by Dianne Bondy.

Sponsored by Pelee Island Winery, The US Consulate General in Toronto, FedDev Ontario, WindsorEats, WEtech Alliance and BMO.
RISE at Home
The RISE and Resilience box is valued at over $300, with products from incredible local businesses.
Want to take home this event? Order your RISE Windsor Essex Experience Box, delivered to your door.

LOLA Will Be There
At Pelee Island Winery, we are happy to be a part of this event. Our LOLA Blush Sparkling Rosé VQA Slim Cans are a part of the RISE Experience Box. We’ll also be there during the day for some lunch break fun. As well, many of our team will be joining online to be inspired. We encourage you to join us!
Pairing Your LOLA

Looking for pairings for your LOLA Blush Sparkling Rosé VQA? Here are some of our teams favourites.
Vegan Nicoise Salad from Lazy Cat Kitchen
Hawaiian Style Roast Chicken from Wine Spectator
Hibiscus Lemon Bars from Great Island
See you online on Thursday, February 11th!
Pssttt… Don’t forget while you’re here to sign up for our Birthday Club and receive a $20 Gift Voucher for your Birthday!